• Saturday, February 23, 2013

    Apparently "Gun Control is Treason"

    So I received this email today at 9:27AM.

    Overwhelming evidence has surfaced to prove that Sandy Hook is a hoax. For example, the recently released CNN helicopter footage that is supposed to show children escaping from the school is obviously set somewhere else. The "grieving" parents are surprisingly joyful during their interviews. The footage from the early hours of the incident shows a traffic pattern that makes it impossible for emergency vehicles to operate. There are many other points with various degrees of credibility, but anyone doing serious research should find plenty to disprove the "official" story. In spite of this, many people still manage to believe the TV version of the Sandy Hoax drama.

    The critics often say that it is crazy to believe that Sandy Hook is a hoax, but this is simply an irrational emotional response. Their main argument is that the media and the government would not make such a big lie and then lie so poorly. This is the exact working principle of the "Big Lie", one of Hitler's techniques. Many people know about this technique and then fall for it anyway. Another common claim is that it's hard to fake that many deaths, but the "victims" could have been easily paid off to live with new identities. Regardless of the facts, sheeple believe what is shown on TV. They are suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome - they've learnt to love Big Brother. Accurate information and logic do not matter to them. Without the means to defend themselves, they are just sheep being led to the slaughter.

    The proposed gun control legislation does not improve public safety, but reduces the ability of the people to resist tyranny. High capacity magazines are not necessary to kill unarmed people or commit crime, but are very important for fighting armed minions of a tyrannical government, and deterrring a foreign enemy invasion. Making fighting weapons less available to people reduces their ability to defend themselves. People without the ability to defend themselves are at greater risk than people that can defend themselves.

    While the threat of a crazy gunman exists, it pales in comparison to the threat of a murderous government. Murderous governments are not fiction, but historical fact and have emerged virtually everywhere where gun control has been put in place. Even today, millions of political prisoners are being tortured to death in communist countries. People point to the many Western nations that have gun control but no murderous governments as examples, but these governments know that if they were to start killing their own people, Americans would step in. America is the last bastion of freedom on the planet and that is why America is under sustained attack.

    The biggest threat to America today comes from within. That threat is traitors in high positions. These traitors work covertly and watch their actions carefully lest they become exposed in a manner that removes the doubt of the public, most of whom cannot believe that such massive treason can take place in our society. They have chosen the ideal cover for their goals of subverting America - the guise of public servants. Using their positions of power, they have gradually eroded our freedoms and rights to further increase their own power. America is now on the brink of dictatorship, where this small group of traitors can have unlimited control of the nation.

    The ignorance of the public makes tyranny possible. Many people still believe the Sandy Hoax made for TV drama/story. This amazing feat of ignorance can only be explained by a mental disorder. This type of mass psychosis is one of the conditions necessary for a brutal regime to come to power with popular support. This is the type of mass psychosis that has fueled the public support of murderous dictators like Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot. This type of mass psychosis is now prevalent in America and the traitors know it. It is no surprise that they are now seeking to disarm the rest of us, so that we cannot resist their planned tyranny.

    Gun control legislation is in direct violation of the Constitution that the legislators have sworn an oath to uphold. The Constitution recognizes and protects the right of the People to own firearms and to use them for self-defense. These are not privileges granted by the Constitution, they are God-given rights that are recognized and protected under the Constitution. They are rights that every legislator has sworn an oath to protect, regardless of religion. Legislation that violates the Constitution is an act of treason. Planning such legislation is planning to commit treason. Fiendstein is one of the people planning this, but she is not alone. Fiendstein herself has suspicious links to communist China. With leaders like this, it is not surprising that China's economy bloomed while California's withered. Her co-conspirators may have similar alternative allegiances. If they can disarm the people and rewrite the Constitution, there will be nothing to stop them from making poli
    cies to imprison people opposed to them, or to use their positions of power for profit at the expense of the nation. They are already filthy rich from having done that.

    Some people say that the weapons available to the people are not sufficient to protect freedom from tyranny, because the state has much more powerful weapons. There is truth to this criticism and this is because the state has been gradually eroding self-defense rights of the people for some time now. Under the Constitution the people should be able to possess the same weapons as the government, without restrictions. That includes fully-automatic weapons. Needing a permit for concealed carry is already an infringement of the Second Amendment. At the same time, the state has been arming itself to the teeth, including armored vehicles and drones. These weapons are a threat to our freedom and our lives. That money should be used to build our communities, instead of holding us hostage. The legislation that infringes on our rights needs to be removed and our rights must be restored and vigilantly guarded.